Saturday, February 27, 2016

Star 266 Dakar Concept


  1. Brilliant concept, I can imagine how soft is the driving experience with the surface.

  2. Cyprian Onyango

    I believe a simple scribble understood by the Chief designer, computer 3Ds modeler and the clay modeler is okay, why do several people gather up in a studio and the final product is repeat or edited work, . I mean it’s hilarious, why put much effort in artistic or graphic side of design and less on creativity, why put much effort in Sketching skills, Photoshop and Fluent language, WHY COVER A BAD DESIGN BY HIDING BEHIND GRAPHICS, UNIVERSTY DEGREES AND FLUENT LANGUAGE TECHNIQUES.,,,, I think people drive creativity not graphics, math, language skills and literature.

    1. I didn't understand you clearly, go to the heart of the matter

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